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Dominique Sports Bras 34 / B / white Elodie Soft Support Sports Bra 6000

Sexy Sports Bras, Push Up & Padded Sports Bras

(16 products)
When it comes to dragging yourself out of bed for your morning workout, most people need all the motivation they can get. Sometimes it takes three times hitting the snooze button and four cups of coffee until you finally feel semi-ready to take off your slippers and tie up your Nikes. On some days, however, all the sleep and caffeine in the world can’t overcome all of the excuses you create to get yourself out of a workout you don’t want to do. You can always come up with a host of excuses—many of which are even somewhat valid—to avoid exercising. Maybe you’re still getting over the minor cold you had three weeks ago, or perhaps you just don’t have time to blow-dry your hair and make it to the gym. The possibilities are endless, but your sports bra should never make it into your category of e excuses. In fact, quality sports should even act as a motivator, not a deterrent, to get yourself out of bed and get moving.
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When it comes to dragging yourself out of bed for your morning workout, most people need all the motivation they can get. Sometimes it takes three times hitting the snooze button and four cups of coffee until you finally feel semi-ready to take off your slippers and tie up your Nikes. On some days, however, all the sleep and caffeine in the world can’t overcome all of the excuses you create to get yourself out of a workout you don’t want to do. You can always come up with a host of excuses—many of which are even somewhat valid—to avoid exercising. Maybe you’re still getting over the minor cold you had three weeks ago, or perhaps you just don’t have time to blow-dry your hair and make it to the gym. The possibilities are endless, but your sports bra should never make it into your category of e excuses. In fact, quality sports should even act as a motivator, not a deterrent, to get yourself out of bed and get moving.

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