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Erotic Lingerie: Sexy Underwear, Open Lingerie & More

(63 products)
If you are a woman who likes to wear lingerie and shops for it on a regular basis, you’ve probably heard the term ‘erotic lingerie’ before. Despite the prevalence of the term ‘erotic lingerie’, the exact definition of ‘erotic lingerie’ and what it is exactly that lingerie brands mean when they advertise lingerie as “erotic” can be a bit of a challenge to pin down. 
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The definition of the term ‘erotic’ is pretty simple. It basically refers to anything that arouses sexual desire or excitement. This definition can be confusing for many women, seeing as the primary purpose of any lingerie is to inspire sexual arousal. Does that mean that all lingerie counts as erotic lingerie? If so, why are only some lingerie styles labeled as “erotic”? 

The answers to these questions are a bit complex, as erotic lingerie technically does not have an exact definition. However, most erotic lingerie is designed to go a step further than standard lingerie styles in terms of sex appeal or eroticism. Erotic lingerie usually refers to super scandalous, bold lingerie styles that offer very little in terms of coverage and show off quite a lot of bare skin.

If you prefer modest or even semi-modest lingerie, erotic lingerie is probably not for you—unless you’re interested in stepping out of your comfort zone to try some more adventurous styles. Most erotic lingerie styles are extremely skimpy and offer the absolute minimum when it comes to coverage.

Generally, if you see a lingerie piece from a certain brand labeled as “erotic”, that piece is probably among the lingerie styles which that brand considers to be the sexiest, most scandalous styles they have available. Adventurous, bold, daring, and scandalous are all words that can be used to...

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